Has anybody else noticed what a ridiculous amount of websites are blocked at the school? Computer Services has cracked down, and apparently we aren't allowed to do anything anymore. The UE Wrestling site is blocked, and a music education site, the one for the drum corps that I march with, brigadiers.com, is also blocked. When did brass and percussion instruments become so dangerous to our minds?
Totally agree! I went on the computer during a study hall the other day and tried to fill out the price chopper scholarship that they gave to us in our own guidance office and the site was blocked! Since when is trying to pay for a college education harmful to high school seniors!
This is a topic that frustrates me as well. What do you suppose is the solution?
We should have a system that blocks bad sites which we used to have. I can see why they would block certain sites and agree with why they block others but they now have almost a system that unless the site is proven to be good then it is automatically assumed to be bad.
I definitely agree with this, in one of my classes basically a whole marking period was based on doing research for a design problem, however none of us could do research on anything because ever site was blocked! I'm suprised they still let us on the u-e homepage.
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