Saturday, February 16, 2008

AP English

I know, you're sensing a trend. Well hopefully this is the last time I talk about AP classes for a while. But I was in Barnes and Noble today, and I ran into a friend of mine. So I said "hey, how are you?", and she replied "Good thanks, you?" "Good. So what are you here for?" "An AP Enlish study book". I then proceed to jokingly cringe, and she says "It's really not that bad, it's a hell of a lot less work than you have to do for Communications. I was appalled, so I said "Even if that's true, at least Communications 'work' is fun and interesting, and pertains to everyday life." "Yea, but AP is Goins." ............ Yes, ladies and gentlemen, she said it. I would just like to take this oppurtunity to say that Mrs. Krieger is a better teacher than Mrs. Goins(although Mrs. Goins is a fine person) and Comunications is a way better class than AP English.


MemphisKell said...

Oh my.

MemphisKell said...

Ok. I was having trouble communicating there for a second. I hope you're happy that you took Communications. I certainly am happy that you took it even if it is taking you forever to make a sweet, You Tube video of you drumming.