Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bio parties

Right so me and a bunch of friends get together once in a while to do AP Bio homework. Sometimes it's just a routine assignment, and sometimes it's more of a project. My point is, we all kind of work together on whatever it is, and put our own individual spin on it. It really helps to do work with friends, makes it go by faster and such. However, it becomes extremely time consuming, because there ends up being more talking than working. There are lots of distractions, but who cares? It's a lot of fun.


Unknown said...

It is fun to do work with friends but you guys never get anything done. No, I take that back, you get about done in like 5 hours as you could in 30 minutes but its worth it cause homework sucks and knowing you, you might not get it done at all if it weren't for those =P.

Wulfgar said...

oh so true...